CategoryCareer strategy

Should employees be informed about the ASSESSMENT OF THEIR POTENTIAL?

In this article I would like to discuss the controversial question, if employees should be informed about the way their potential has been rated.  Assessment of potential is a highly complex topic. I will outline here why superficial discussions on potential can be quite damaging. My recommendation is therefore to rather focus on career perspectives, which is what employees really need to know about.


How to make individual development plans much more relevant and attractive?

The quality and the implementation of individual development plans is often not fully satisfactory. Last minute cancellations from training programs are one indicator for that. Employees don’t feel fully responsible for their own development. Here is a proposal how to change that: giving each employee an annual development budget and empowering them to invest this into the development action they believe are most valuable. Find out here how concretely that could concretely work!


4 Steps to shoot YOUR VIDEO – Get started now!

Many studies have shown that people today prefer videos to text, especially among the younger generations. This is a clear trend. The incredible richness of content on YouTube is a result of this. But from what I can observe, leaders are still not always very familiar with this tool and sometimes even reluctant to stand in front of a camera. I hope that this article can help overcome some of these barriers and make your communication more efficient and more powerful. I will outline here the 4 key steps to shoot YOUR video. You will find practical advice on content creation, shooting, post-production and on the publication of your video. Get started, now! (more…)

Succession planning – How to involve managers and employees?

During this conversation Rolf Peiffer (Managing Partner at Leadership Choices) and Sven Sommerlatte explore the benefits of making succession planning more transparent. The idea is to establish an open exchange between the current incumbent of a role and his/her identified successors. This might make our succession planning process more robust and more meaningful.


The language of diversity. What are the right words to use?

Employees are not always comfortable to speak about diversity, because they are not sure what words to use. They are worried that inappropriate terms could offend others and then prefer to hold back. Establishing a language of diversity is therefore an important step on our journey towards creating a more inclusive work environment.


Great leadership behavior during the Mexico earthquake. The team comes first!

The purpose of the WOW HOW series is to provide examples of great leadership behavior. In this article Ricardo describes his experience of the Mexico earthquake in September 2017. In fractions of seconds everything started to move and buildings collapsed. His priority was to protect his team and ensure that everyone was OK. Discover here what went through his mind in this dramatic moment.


Leadership Assessments: Pros & Cons

After a strong expansion of leadership assessments, some companies are now limiting their usage. Should Leadership Assessments be used for candidate selection? Are they a good development tool? This video describes their advantages and limitations and outlines how to make best use of these leadership assessments. Please share your own experience through survey monkey questionnaire (link in the comment section below). I will provide feedback on the survey results shortly.


Architecture and Leadership – What is your leadership style?

This video shows how we can use architecture to reflect about our leadership style. Should we provide more structure and direction or should we rather create space so that our teams can gain greater autonomy? There is no right or wrong, but the analogy to architecture can help us assess our style and adjust it to the needs of our teams and of the business.


Career Strategy – 4 principles of career management

This article provides an overview on the key principles of career management. You will find concrete examples and dynamic graphical illustrations. Those could help you define your personal career strategy: setting your career ambition, broadening your experience base in view of your targeted position and going for the most promising opportunities.

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