Large meetings are often top down. Participants stay passive without the ability to add value. This article outlines a meeting management approach that will help you to achieve broader involvement, even within limited time. Make your large meetings more interactive, more fun and more value adding for all!
Career Strategy – 4 principles of career management
This article provides an overview on the key principles of career management. You will find concrete examples and dynamic graphical illustrations. Those could help you define your personal career strategy: setting your career ambition, broadening your experience base in view of your targeted position and going for the most promising opportunities.
Millennial leaders – How do they operate and what we can learn from them?
Internal Organization Expertise (Part 2): How to build it up ?
In view of the significant budget that many companies dedicate every year to management consulting, a number of companies consider developing internal organization expertise. In the previous article (Part 1), I have outlined the benefits that such an internal consulting team can bring. This article (Part 2) provides recommendations on how to build such a team.
Internal Organization Expertise – Part 1: What are the benefits?
In view of the significant budget that many companies dedicate every year to management consulting, a number of companies have created an internal organization expertise. The purpose of this article is to share some thoughts on the benefits that such a team can have (part 1), and to outline recommendations on how to build-up such a team (part 2).
As HR leader, I get very often the question how to best manage the first 100 days in a new job. This article outlines what to consider when you will shape YOUR first 100 days in order to make that start in the new role as efficient as possible.
Trust Management – How to enhance trust in your organization
Interview with Prof. Dr. Tom Sommerlatte from the Trust Management Institute.
Trust is a key driver of performance. A robust trust base contributes to efficient interactions within the organization. Trust allows organizations to learn faster, to innovate and to adapt to changes in the market. Trust is the foundation of employees ability to operate efficiently in their work environment and of good leadership. But managers are not sufficiently aware of the components of trust. They may therefore even destroy the trust capital by inadvertence. This article outlines the trust dimensions and how leaders can manage trust in their company.
The power of true Conversations
We speak about a conversation when we want to engage in a deeper exchange with another person. This article outlines some thoughts on how to prepare for the conversation and how to make it as rich and constructive as possible. It speaks about the importance of emotions and body language, about stumbling stones we may encounter and how to manage them during the conversation. This article also addresses the questions of the dynamics of a conversation.